What are Cerebrovascular Diseases? 

Dr Foram Bhuta

Dr Foram Bhuta

BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), 10 years of experience

November 15, 2021 Brain Diseases 613 Views

English हिन्दी Bengali

What is the meaning of Cerebrovascular Diseases?

Cerebrovascular diseases are a group of diseases, conditions, and disorders that affect the blood vessels, and the blood supply to the brain.

The altered blood flow to the brain can impair the functions of the brain, either temporarily or permanently. When this happens suddenly, it is known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

In this article, we will be discussing cerebrovascular diseases in detail-

  • What are the types of Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • What are the causes of Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • What are the risk factors for Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • What are the symptoms of Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • How to diagnose Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • What is the treatment for Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • What are the complications of Cerebrovascular Diseases?
  • How to prevent Cerebrovascular Diseases?

What are the types of Cerebrovascular Diseases?

The different types of cerebrovascular diseases include:

  • Stroke:
    • This is the most common form of cerebrovascular disease.
    • It results in the permanent loss of motor function or sensation.
    • The two different kinds of strokes include ischemic stroke (insufficient blood flow to the brain) or hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding into the brain).

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  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage:
    • This is a condition in which the blood leaks out of a blood vessel onto the surface of the brain.
  • Transient ischemic attack:
    • This is a condition similar to a stroke, but the symptoms usually resolve within 24 hours.
    • The condition is also known as a mini stroke.
  • Aneurysms:
    • An aneurysm is caused because of the weakening of the artery wall.
    • This results in bulging in the blood vessels.
  • Vascular malformations:
    • This condition is associated with abnormalities in the arteries or veins.
  • Vascular dementia:
    • It is a condition associated with cognitive impairment (when a person has trouble concentrating, remembering, and learning new things), that is usually permanent.

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What are the causes of Cerebrovascular Diseases?

Cerebrovascular diseases develop due to a number of reasons, which include:

  • Damage to a blood vessel in the brain
  • Atherosclerosis (cholesterol builds up as thick, waxy plaque that narrows or blocks the blood flow in the arteries)
  • Ischemia (loss of blood supply to the brain)
  • Hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain)
  • Trauma or injury

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What are the risk factors for Cerebrovascular Diseases?

The following factors increase the risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases:

  • Age above 55 years
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol

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  • Pregnancy
  • Moyamoya disease, which is a progressive condition causing the blockage of the cerebral arteries (arteries in the brain) and its major branches
  • Venous angiomas, which is a congenital (present at birth) malformation of the veins that drain through the brain
  • A vein of Galen malformation, which is an arterial disorder occurring in a fetus during pregnancy
  • Use of certain medications that may increase the chances of blood clotting or stroke
  • Hormone replacement therapy, which is a form of treatment for menopausal women

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What are the symptoms of Cerebrovascular Diseases?

The symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases include:

  • A sudden or severe headache
  • Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body)
  • Hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body)
  • Confusion
  • Loss of vision on one side
  • Slurred speech 
  • Difficulty in communication
  • Loss of balance
  • Unconsciousness
  • Face drooping
  • Arm weakness

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

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How to diagnose Cerebrovascular Diseases?

  • Physical examination: The doctor will physically examine the patient and look for symptoms like changes in vision, altered reflexes, muscle weakness, decreased sensation, and muscle weakness. The patient is asked about his/her medical history and family history.
  • Cerebral angiography: It provides images of the blood vessels in and around the brain. It helps in diagnosing blockages or other abnormalities in the blood vessels of the head and the neck.
  • Vertebral angiogram: It is an x-ray study of the blood vessels of the spine (backbone). It is done to check for abnormalities in the blood vessels.
  • Carotid angiogram: It is a test done to have a look at the large blood vessels in the neck that carry the blood to the brain.
  • MRI scan: It is an imaging test that can help in detecting early-stage strokes.
  • CAT scan: It is a test that can help the doctor to diagnose and detect hemorrhagic strokes since it can distinguish between the bone, blood, and brain tissue. However, it cannot identify the damage caused due to an ischemic stroke, especially in the early stages.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): It helps to detect cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

What is the treatment for Cerebrovascular Diseases?

  • A cerebrovascular disease requires immediate treatment. 
  • The type of treatment done depends on the type of cerebrovascular disease that is present.
  • The various forms of treatment for cerebrovascular diseases include:


  • Medications: Medications are usually given to individuals having less than 50 percent blocked or narrowed arteries. The different types of medications that are given based on the condition of the patient include:
  • Blood pressure medications to control hypertension.
  • Cholesterol medications to lower the high cholesterol levels.
  • Blood thinners, which help in preventing blood clots that can stop the blood flow to the heart.
  • Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), which helps in breaking up a blood clot in case of an acute (sudden and short-term) stroke.

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  • Surgery: In more severe cases of cerebrovascular diseases, surgery may be required. The surgical procedures that can be performed include:
  • In case of a brain hemorrhage, the surgeon may need to perform surgery to reduce the increased pressure caused due to a bleed.
  • Carotid endarterectomy is a procedure in which an incision is made in the carotid artery (major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the neck, face, and brain), and the plaque is removed. This helps the blood to flow again. The artery is then repaired using sutures (stitches) or grafts (a natural or synthetic living tissue transplanted surgically).
  • Carotid angioplasty and stenting are surgical procedures in which the surgeon inserts a balloon-tipped catheter (a tube) into the artery. The balloon is then inflated so that the artery can reopen. The surgeon then places a thin, metal mesh tube known as a stent inside the carotid artery for improving the blood flow in the artery that was previously blocked. This stent prevents the collapse or closing of the artery after the procedure.

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  • Rehabilitation: In case of brain damage following a cerebrovascular disease, one may experience a temporary or permanent disability. Such cases require supportive and rehabilitative therapies for retaining as much function as possible. These therapies include:
  • Physical therapy: This therapy is aimed at restoring the flexibility, mobility, and function of the limb.
  • Speech therapy: This therapy may help people in clear communication and regain speech following a cerebrovascular attack or a stroke.

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  • Occupational therapy: This therapy helps a person to access facilities that support returning to work and normal daily activities.
  • Psychological therapy: A visit to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a counselor after a cerebrovascular event helps in dealing with unexpected emotional demands and the feeling of being overwhelmed.

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What are the complications of Cerebrovascular Diseases?

The complications associated with cerebrovascular diseases are:

  • Permanent disabilities
  • Loss of cognitive functions (brain-based skills needed for memory and learning)
  • Difficulty in speech
  • Loss of memory
  • Partial paralysis 
  • Death, in case of a serious condition or when one does not get immediate medical attention

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How to prevent Cerebrovascular Diseases?

The following tips can help in the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases:

  • Quit smoking
  • Moderate exercising every day
  • Eating a well-balanced diet
  • Maintenance of a healthy body weight
  • Maintaining blood pressure and blood cholesterol with medications and diet 
  • Blood-thinning medications, if recommended by the doctor
  • Managing stress
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol
  • Visit your doctor regularly for yearly check-ups

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We hope that we were able to answer all your questions regarding cerebrovascular diseases through this article.

We only aim to give you information through the article and do not recommend medication or treatment in any way. Only a doctor can give you the best advice and correct treatment plan. 

If you want more information and treatment for cerebrovascular diseases, you can contact a Vascular Surgeon.

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