What is Dizziness? Home Remedies for Dizziness

Dr Priya Sharma

Dr Priya Sharma

BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), 6 years of experience

November 13, 2020 Lifestyle Diseases 3703 Views

English हिन्दी Bengali Tamil

What is the meaning of Dizziness?

Dizziness is a condition of being lightheaded, disoriented in space, or having a sense of unsteadiness.

Dizziness is a problem that every person must have experienced at some point in their life. In this state, the head starts spinning with a loss of balance, resulting in a fall. Dizziness is not a disease but a symptom of poor health.

In today’s article, we will be discussing in detail about dizziness and the various home remedies to reduce the risk of dizziness.

  • What are the Causes of Dizziness?
  • What are the other symptoms that come with Dizziness?
  • What are the complications associated with Dizziness? 
  • What is the treatment for Dizziness?
  • What are the Home Remedies for Dizziness?

What are the Causes of Dizziness?

Some conditions that increase the risk of dizziness are:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Meniere’s disease: It is a disease in which there is a fluid build-up in the ear causing hearing loss, ear fullness, and tinnitus (ringing sound in one or both ears)

( Know more about- What is Meniere’s Disease? )

  • Vertigo: It is a sensation of feeling off-balance 

( Know more about- What is Vertigo? Symptoms and Treatment )

  • Benign positional vertigo (BPV): It is a condition that causes dizziness for a short period of time when changing the body positions quickly, for example, sitting up on the bed after waking up from sleep
  • Acoustic neuroma: A non-cancerous tumor forming on the nerve connecting the brain to the inner ear

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  • Heart disease
  • Muscle weakness

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  • Allergy
  • Anemia: A condition in which there is a low iron level in the body

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( Know more about- What is Ringing ear ( Tinnitus ) ? )

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes in the body

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  • A side effect of some medications
  • Intense exercise
  • Anxiety disorders

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  • Motion sickness
  • Heatstroke
  • Dehydration
  • Hypoglycemia: A condition of low blood sugar

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What are the other symptoms that come with Dizziness?

Dizziness is associated with

  • Lightheadedness

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  • Loss of balance
  • Unsteadiness
  • False sense of spinning or motion (vertigo)
  • A feeling of swimming of floating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fainting

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What are the complications associated with Dizziness?

Dizziness can lead to several complications such as-

  • Head injury 

( Know more about- What is Brain Injury? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)

  • High fever
  • Headache
  • Neck ache
  • Loss of hearing
  • Blurred vision

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  • Numbness of limbs
  • Tingling sensation in the hands and feet

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  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Chest pain   

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  • Continuous vomiting
  • Drooping mouth or eyes 

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If one notices any of these symptoms along with dizziness it is best to consult a doctor immediately.

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What is the treatment for Dizziness?

The treatment for dizziness depends on the cause of dizziness.

Most cases can be treated by certain medications or home remedies.

Some of the medical treatment modalities include-

  • Inner ear disorders can be treated by medications and certain exercises that can be done at home to control balance.
  • Meniere’s disease can be cured with a low-salt diet, injections, or ear surgery.
  • Migraines can be treated by certain medications and making a few lifestyle changes to avoid any kind of triggers for migraines.
  • Anxiety disorders can be cured by medications and certain techniques to reduce anxiety.
  • Benign positional vertigo (BPV) can be treated by using maneuvers that make the symptoms less severe. Surgery can be performed for patients whose BPV condition cannot be controlled.
  • Dizziness caused by heat, dehydration, or excessive exercise can be treated by intake of plenty of fluids.
  • Underlying heart, brain diseases or other disorders that cause dizziness, should be treated with medications or advised surgery/procedure after consultation with the physician. 

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Since dizziness can be caused by Brain injuries or brain emergency conditions like Brain Aneurysms, one must not ignore symptoms like severe headache along with stiffness in the neck, vision problems, numbness in hands and feet, pain behind the eyes and around the eyes. These might be signs of brain aneurysm or ruptured bulging brain blood vessels ( when the brain aneurysm bursts inside the brain ). It is a life-threatening condition, so one must get checked by a neurologist earlier. 

If the brain scans show brain aneurysm is the cause of chronic pain and repeated attacks of dizziness, one must immediately get the brain aneurysm surgery done upon advice by the neurosurgeon. There are some of the best hospitals in India where Brain Aneurysm Surgery is performed with expertise.

What are the Home Remedies for Dizziness?

To prevent the problem of dizziness, the following home remedies can be adopted.

  • Drink more and more water: Lack of water in the body is the main reason for dizziness. You should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water per day; this will reduce the risk of dehydration and dizziness. Often, not drinking water at the right time causes dizziness. You can also drink fruit and vegetable juices and have soup to maintain the level of water in your body. 
  • Eat a healthy diet: It is often advisable to eat something when feeling dizzy. However, eating a healthy diet reduces the problem of dizziness. Eat an iron-rich diet to prevent anemia. If there is a complaint of sugar and BP, then eat a diet rich in fiber, vitamin A, folic acid, and eat low-fat foods. Include almonds, dates, spinach for iron. Orange, broccoli, grapes, lemon can be included to get vitamin C. Green vegetables, sprouted grains, peanuts, etc. are a source of folic acid. Try to eat small meals throughout the day.
  • Eat something to prevent dizziness: Low blood sugar causes dizziness, especially in a diabetic person. Dizziness occurs due to a lack of food in the body, so do not let the stomach remain empty and keep eating small quantities of food throughout the day. In this case, you can eat a banana or a bowl of curd. Eating a handful of cashews, almonds, walnuts, or chocolate also works well.
  • Use of Amla to relieve dizziness: Amla is said to be an excellent home remedy for dizziness. Since ancient times it has been used for the treatment process. Amla enhances immunity and improves blood circulation, and also prevents dizziness. To use amla, remove the seeds and make a paste, add coriander powder, and leave it overnight. In the morning, filter this mixture and drink it to reduce the problem of vertigo. Repeat this process for a few days until the dizziness is relieved.

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  • Use of honey in dizziness: Honey naturally contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of diseases and also treats the problem of dizziness. Honey boosts energy and prevents dizziness. There are two ways of using honey. Either you can drink honey mixed with apple cider vinegar, or you can drink lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey mixed with warm water. This process will give you relief from dizziness.
  • Eat ginger when feeling dizzy: Ginger has many antibacterial and antibiotic properties. It helps to prevent infections as well as dizziness. Ginger improves brain functions and also regulates blood flow. There are many ways to use ginger. Either eat a small piece of ginger or drink ginger tea twice a day to keep the brain fit and prevent dizziness.

   ( Know more about- What are Benefits and Side Effects of Ginger

  • Use of lemon in dizziness: People often consume lemon juice when feeling dizzy. Licking a lemon with salt also helps in reducing dizziness. Lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

Some other ways to reduce dizziness include:

  • If you are feeling dizzy, then sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Regular exercise reduces the problem of dizziness.
  • Do not try to walk if you feel dizzy.
  • Yoga is effective in preventing dizziness.
  • If you feel dizzy while traveling in a car, then use some other transport instead.
  • Do not consume alcohol, tobacco, caffeine as it may increase the condition of dizziness.
  • Massage your body once a week.
  • When you feel dizzy, lie down and look at things around you so that you can distract your mind.

We hope that we could answer all your questions about dizziness and the various home remedies that can be used to cure dizziness at home, through this article.

If you have a problem of dizziness, then you should contact a General Physician.

We aim to give you information about the diseases, we do not recommend any kind of medicine, treatment or surgery. Only a doctor can give you the best advice and treatment plan.

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