Yummy mummies in their thirties or forties
November 3, 2017 Mens Health 10587 ViewsFor 37-year-old Kathleen D’sa of Chicago, getting pregnant was an ordeal. The young air-hostess was aware that with every passing year after 35, her chances of conceiving would reduce. The risk of miscarriage would increase. She recollects how Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) came to her rescue, with an extremely supportive and progressive gynecologist/obstetrician who guided her through steps, along with a counselor – all this, when she couldn’t conceive for over a year.
Luckily, for Kathleen, despite a high-pressure job, she received a lot of co-operation from her colleagues. There was another important factor that made a difference. The western society is more accepting of and sympathetic towards childless couples than in the Indian subcontinent. In India, the pressure and the blame solely are on the woman and is tremendous. Besides, societal expectations, there are also cultural barriers towards infertile couples in India. With the most common attitude toward the adoption of children, being rejection. So, unfortunately, in India, childless couples are subjected to a lot of ridicule and disrespect with the woman bearing the brunt of it primarily with the most-scathing taunt, of being “barren”. In vitrio fertilization (IVF) is a boon for such couples even though it may be very expensive for most couples.
Combination of some therapies women may try to conceive!
- Fertility drugs which stimulate ovulation: Medications are an effective way to treat ovulation disorders. However, there are risks associated and your gynecologist or Reproduction/IVF Specialist would be able to guide you on a case-by-case basis.
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI): Here when an ovary releases eggs, the doctors insert the healthy sperm directly into the uterus. Fertility medications may complement the normal cycle.
- Surgery: Certain complication and, disorders like uterine problems such as endometrial polyps, intrauterine scar tissue or uterine septum require hysteroscopic surgery.
Superstition Related to Pregnancy
For 28-year-old Aruna Mirpuri, it was a ‘scourge’ for not having conceived even after four years of marriage. Traditional in-laws had done the rounds with her – astrologers, pundits, appeasing various gods and goddesses with fasts, eating protein-rich food when instructed by a baba, or not eating certain foods as mentioned by the so-called learned men. Finally, the neighbors advised Aruna and her husband to go the scientific way. They told them o approach an infertility expert. Her husband was reluctant but Aruna did not let him back out. At the onset, her already-hesitant hubby faced a session that required him to answer certain sexual habits. This was before even the doctors could conduct the preliminary round of infertility testing.
The hospital that Aruna selected had encountered many such cases and hence before her husband could become churlish and further aggravate the situation, its counseling team swung into action. They helped him understand the situation with scientific facts, sifting out yarn generated by superstition and stereotypical beliefs. The unlearning greatly helped him overcome his inhibitions and made him feel equally responsible as a spouse – a far cry from his earlier chauvinistic self. Needless to say, Aruna felt significantly better. It altered her mindset too from negative to one whom hopelessness and despondency could not rule.
Low Sperm Count
The doctors ruled out polycystic ovary syndrome. Nor was there any need for tubal surgery. Aruna’s husband had determined himself to stand by her and prevent unpleasant domestic situations from flaring up. He took great pains to explain to his parents about endometriosis, IVF, how it works and miscarriage being a common occurrence. It was extremely difficult for them to break free from the conventional mold of “It’s her problem, she can’t bear a child.” The concept of ‘low sperm count’ was indeed a revelation to them, one that was most disconcerting, to say the least. Besides this, he himself came across and comprehended the wide plethora of reasons behind male infertility and their diagnosis – ranging from genetic testing, imaging to testicular biopsy and in the rarest of cases tests to determine DNA abnormalities.
Factors to Consider
Many Indian women will resonate with experiences similar to Aruna’s. For couples yearning to hear the pitter patter of little feet, IVF brings hope. But there are a few factors to consider:
- Infertility experts do not advocate IVF as the first form of treatment (the exception being tubal surgery). They will recommend it only after all else has failed – artificial insemination, fertility drugs, and surgery.
- Hormone treatments are exorbitant. Certain procedures are not covered by insurance.
- Specialists treating severe fertility problems may have a lower success rate. Do not be swayed by results. The skill and expertise of the fertility doctor and specialist are paramount.
- Duration and cost of storing embryos, as well as knowing about embryo transfer, egg donation program, and other such related aspects, require careful study and analysis.
If you are considering IVF and want to know more about it, then contact your nearest IVF specialist today.