Lap Band Surgery in India

Total cost estimate for Lap Band Surgery

Select Your Country
Total Cost US $6,130

Treatment/Surgery Cost
5,300 INR


Travel and Visa Cost

Travel and visa includes return airfare

Duration of Stay in India

  • 3 Days
    in Hospital
  • 7 Days

Hotel, Food and Conveyance
273 INR


Additional Expenses
10% Extra

* Medicines, Nurse

Total Treatment Cost
6,130 INR

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Procedure Details

Lap band surgery or gastric banding is a surgical procedure that is performed for weight loss. These kinds of interventions done for the treatment of obesity are known as bariatric surgeries.

Lap band surgery is a minimally invasive, reversible, quick, and adjustable procedure that decreases the size of the stomach.
The procedure involves the placement of an inflatable band around the top of the stomach, resulting in an individual feeling full after eating a small quantity of food.

Purpose: Lap band surgery is generally done when:

  • For weight loss, if an obese individual has not been able to lose weight through diet or exercise.
  • For treating or reversing obesity-related conditions like diabetes (high blood sugar), hypertension (high blood pressure), and obstructive sleep apnea (breathing disorder in which the breathing stops and starts many times while asleep).

The lap band surgery is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. Having a body mass index (BMI) (calculated by weight in kgs divided by height in meter sq.) of more than 40
  2. Having a BMI of 35 to 39.9, with the presence of at least one serious health condition like high blood pressure, diabetes, or obstructive sleep apnea
  3. Having a BMI of 30 to 34.9 with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, that cannot be controlled by medical therapy
  4. An exception is an Asian patient who tends to have more fat accumulation in the stomach area, known as central obesity, having poorly controlled diabetes, though the BMI may be as low as 27.5


Obesity is fairly self diagnostic and can be determined with a simple physical exam by a doctor. However, the doctor may perform certain tests to determine the level of obesity and the presence of other obesity related disorders. The following diagnostic procedures may be followed.

  1. Physical examination: The doctor will evaluate your overall health status, along with your medical history and family history.
  2. Blood tests: The various blood parameters are checked using a blood test, and also if there is an underlying medical condition like diabetes or thyroid diseases.
  3. Nutrient screening: The levels of various nutrients in the body, like vitamin B-12, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D, are checked.
  4. Chest x-ray: This test helps in checking the internal organs like lungs and heart in the chest area.
  5. Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test helps in measuring the electrical activity of the heart and diagnosing the various heart disorders that may be present.


The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The abdomen is cleaned using an antiseptic solution.
The procedure may be performed by making incisions (cuts) in two ways:
1. Laparoscopically: The surgeon makes many tiny incisions (approximately one-quarter to half an inch in size) in the abdomen region. A long tube with a camera on one end, known as a laparoscope, is inserted inside along with other small surgical instruments through the incisions.
2. Open surgery: In the case of open surgery, a single, large, 10 to 12-inch incision is made in the abdomen.
The surgeon will then place an adjustable gastric band (a soft silicone ring) through the incisions around the upper stomach region.
The band can be tightened for creating a small stomach pouch. The surgeon will then place a small device called a port under the abdominal skin, and then attach the band to the port by a thin tubing. Saline or saltwater can be injected or removed through the skin. The saline can flow into or out of the silicone band. Injecting saline helps in filling the band and making it tighter.  This way the band can be loosened or tightened to improve loss of weight and reduce the side effects. The surgical instruments are then removed and the incision site is closed using sutures (stitches) and sterile tape. The procedure takes half an hour to one hour to complete.


The complications associated with a lap band surgery include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Breathing problems
  • Blood clot formation
  • Blood loss
  • Infection
  • Stroke (when the blood supply to the brain is stopped)
  • Heart attack
  • Injury to abdominal organs like stomach, intestines
  • Heartburn (burning sensation in the chest)
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Hernia
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach)
  • Wound infection
  • Bowel blockage due to scarring
  • Poor nutrition due to reduced intake of food
  • Regaining all the lost weight 
  • Pouch dilation
  • Band slippage
  1. It is normal to have some nausea and pain after the procedure.
  2. The doctor may prescribe pain medications to ease the pain and discomfort.
  3. You will most likely stay in the hospital for one or two days after the procedure.
  4. You will be discharged once your vitals are stable, pain is in control using oral medicines, and you can drink an adequate amount of fluids.
  5. The patient is encouraged to get up and move around as soon as possible. This helps in quicker healing and prevents blood clot formation.
  6. You will be encouraged to do deep breathing exercises using a plastic device known as an incentive spirometer, to prevent pneumonia.
  7. You will be on a clear liquid diet for the first two weeks following surgery. You will then slowly progress to pureed foods, then soft foods, and then your normal diet.
  8. Do light exercises or walk regularly after the procedure.
  9. Avoid strenuous activities for three to six weeks after the surgery.
  10. Avoid heavy lifting for six weeks after the procedure.
  11. While showering, wash your wound site with mild soap and pat dry the skin gently using a clean towel.
  12. Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day.
  13. Avoid swimming or taking a bath till your doctor tells you to.
  14. Avoid driving for at least one week after the procedure, or till you have stopped all pain medications.
  15. Take nutritional supplements daily as directed by your doctor.

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain that is not relieved by taking medicines
  • Swelling, redness, or thick green or yellow drainage from the wound site
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Persistent nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Redness, pain, or swelling in the calf or leg

Follow-up appointments are needed with your surgeon for band adjustments, which are essential for sustainable or maximal loss of weight.
The doctor will monitor you for any long-term complications like weight regain, pouch dilation, and band slippage that may require band removal, revision surgery, or conversion to another type of weight-loss surgery.
Regular and lifelong follow-ups are required with a bariatric dietitian to ensure healthy eating habits and for monitoring any nutritional deficiencies that could occur due to a reduced intake of food.
A bariatric support group or a psychologist may help you in coping with the psychological effects of weight-loss surgery and obesity, and any difficulties that you may be having in coping with a healthy diet and lifestyle.



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FAQ Section

1) What is Lap Band Surgery?

LAGB ( Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding ) is a surgical procedure, done to surgically reduce obesity, that involves the placement of a band ( adjustable ) around the upper part of the stomach using a laparoscope. The band is made of silicone. It is tightened by adding saline to the band. 


2) How does the lap band work in reducing obesity?

Lap band reduces obesity by restricting the size of the stomach and holding the amount of food. This band is made of silicone, it is tightened by adding the saline to fill the band, the band is connected to a port which is placed in the skin of the abdomen. This port helps to deliver the saline into the band. It also slows the rate at which food passes into the intestine. 

3) Who can get Lap band surgery done?

Lap band surgery is suitable for the following candidates- people with BMI over 40 kg/mg2, for patients who have BMI in the range of 35-40 kg/mg2 and have associated medical conditions like ( high blood pressure, diabetes).


4) Which patients can not get Lap band surgery?

LAGB or lap  band surgery is contraindicated in- patients who can not understand the procedure, are weak emotionally, or have drug/ alcohol dependence, history of stomach ulcers or stomach problems ( need to be medically checked properly ), patients with diseases like- heart or lung conditions. 

5) How long is the recovery after Lap Band Surgery?

The duration of Lap band surgery recovery is shorter than Gastric Bypass surgery. People can resume the work in 1 week with proper precautions. Normal physical activities can resume in 6 weeks. 


6) What to expect after the lap band surgery?

The patient will have pain for a few days after the Lap band surgery. This is part of normal recovery and pain controlling medications are given. Patients can return to work in 1 week and full physical activities in 6 weeks. Weight Loss will be gradual, 2-3 pounds a week. Certain food modifications are to be followed strictly. In the first year average weight loss is 40% , whereas in the second year it is 10-20%. 

7) How many years does the Lap Band last?

The lap band lasts for 7-10 years. 


8) Is lap band surgery a major surgery?

All bariatric surgeries ( weight loss surgeries) are major surgeries, including the lap band surgery.

9) Is lap band surgery safe?

Lap band surgery is considered to be a safe surgery, with a very low (0.1%) mortality rate. 


10) What are the side effects of lap band surgery?

The side effects of lap band surgery are- nausea, vomiting, ulcer at the site of band placement, indigestion, acid reflux, weight regain, dehydration. 


11) What is the cost of Lap band surgery in India?

The cost of Lap band surgery in India varies across different cities and hospitals-

Cost of Lap band surgery in India
Cost of Lap band surgery in Mumbai           INR 250000- INR 325000
Cost of Lap band surgery in Bangalore INR 245000- INR 320000
Cost of Lap band surgery in Delhi INR 245000- INR 320000
Cost of Lap band surgery in Chennai        INR 240000- INR 315000


12) Why is Lap Band Surgery performed?

Lap band surgery is normally performed in the following cases:

  • When an obese person is cannot lose weight through diet and exercise. The surgery is normally done in the following cases:
  • A person having a body mass index (BMI) (measured by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meter square) of more than 40.
  • A person having a BMI of 35 to 39.9, and having at least one serious health disorder like high blood pressure, diabetes, or obstructive sleep apnea (a breathing disorder in which the breathing suddenly stops and starts many times during sleeping).
  • A person having a BMI of 30 to 34.9, and diabetes or another metabolic syndrome that cannot be controlled by medicines.
  • An Asian patient having fat accumulation in the stomach area, known as central obesity, and having diabetes that is not controlled, even though the BMI may be as low as 27.5.
  • For treating or reversing obesity-related conditions like diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnea.


13) When is a Lap Band Surgery contraindicated?

A lap band surgery should not be performed in the following conditions:

  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Severe lung disorder
  • A person undergoing cancer treatment
  • Portal hypertension (increased blood pressure in the portal vein, which goes to the liver)
  • Heart failure (when the heart fails to pump sufficient blood to the rest of the body)
  • Coronary artery disease (buildup of plaque in the major blood vessels of the heart)
  • Impaired intelligence and mental ability
  • Intolerance to anesthetic agents
  • Unwillingness or inability to attend regular follow-ups following a surgery
  • Unwillingness to follow diet recommendations and exercise routine after the surgery


14) Which doctor performs a Lap Band Surgery?

Lap band surgery is performed by a bariatric surgeon or general surgeon.


15) What is the diagnostic procedure before a Lap Band Surgery ?

The following tests are performed before a lap band surgery:

  1. Physical examination: The doctor examines the patient physically and notes down the medical history and family history of the patient.
  2. Blood tests: The different parameters of blood and nutrient levels are checked using a blood test. Underlying medical conditions, like thyroid diseases and diabetes, can also be diagnosed using blood tests.
  3. Chest x-ray: A chest x-ray helps in checking the condition of the internal organs in the chest region, namely the lungs and heart.
  4. Electrocardiogram (ECG): The electrical activity of the heart is recorded using this test. It also helps in detecting any heart problems.


16) How to prepare for a Lap Band Surgery?

The following preparation may be needed for a lap band surgery:

  • Inform the doctor about any medications, supplements, or herbs that you may be taking.
  • Inform the doctor if you have any medical illnesses.
  • If you have any allergies, inform the doctor about the same.
  • If you are pregnant or think that you can be pregnant, inform the doctor.
  • Your doctor will tell you to stop taking blood-thinners like warfarin and aspirin a couple of days before the procedure.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the day before the surgery.


17) How is the procedure of Lap Band Surgery performed?

  • Lap band surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia (the patient is put to sleep during the procedure).
  • The stomach or abdominal region is first cleansed using an antiseptic solution.
  • The doctor then proceeds to make incisions or cuts in any one of the following ways: 
  • Laparoscopic incision: This procedure involves making many small incisions (about one-fourth to half an inch in size) in the abdominal area. A long tube having a camera on one end, known as a laparoscope, is inserted inside the abdomen, along with other small surgical instruments through the small incisions that are made.
  • Incision for open surgery: This procedure involves making a single, large, 10-to-12-inch incision in the abdominal area.
  • An adjustable gastric band (a soft silicone ring) is then placed through the incisions around the upper stomach region.
  • The gastric band is then tightened and a small stomach pouch is created.
  • A small device, known as a port, is placed under the abdominal skin and the band is attached to the port by a thin tube.
  • Saline or saltwater can be injected inside and removed through the skin of the abdomen. The saline can flow into or out of the silicone band.
  • The saline fills up the band and makes it tighter. 
  • The band can be tightened or loosened in this way to reduce the side effects and enable weight loss.
  • The surgical instruments are then removed and the incision site is closed using sutures (stitches) and sterile tape.
  • This procedure takes about half an hour to one hour to complete.


18) What are the post-procedure steps following a Lap Band Surgery?

The following post-procedure steps are followed after a lap band surgery:

  • You will have some pain after the surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain-relieving medications for the same.
  • You will most likely be discharged from the hospital one or two days after the surgery.
  • You will be told to move around as soon as possible to aid in quick healing and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Deep breathing exercises will be taught using a plastic device called an incentive spirometer.
  • You will be on a clear liquid diet for fifteen days after the surgery and gradually return to your normal diet.
  • It is recommended to walk regularly or do light exercises after the surgery.
  • Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for about three to six weeks after the procedure.
  • Drink lots of water every day.
  • Avoid driving for at least a week after the procedure.
  • Take nutritional supplements as recommended by your doctor.
  • Follow-up appointments with the doctor will be needed for band adjustments, which are necessary for adequate loss of weight.


19) What are the advantages of Lap Band Surgery?

The advantages of a lap band surgery are:

  • Long-term loss of weight in an obese person (approximately 40 to 60 percent of excess weight can be lost)
  • Quick recovery
  • Lesser chances of wound infection and hernias (bulging of a tissue or organ through an abnormal opening) after the procedure
  • Reduced risk of obesity-related conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary incontinence (involuntary urine leakage)
  • Improved quality of life 
  • Absorption of nutrients is not lost


20) What are the risks of Lap Band Surgery ?

The possible side effects of lap band surgery are:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blood clot formation
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthesia used
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Stroke (a condition caused due to interrupted blood supply to the brain)
  • Heart attack
  • Injury to the abdominal organs like stomach and intestines
  • Heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest)
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Hernia 
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)
  • Bowel blockage due to scarring
  • Poor nutrition
  • Reduced food intake
  • Regaining the lost weight 
  • Slipping of the band
  • Dilation of the pouch