Integrated calendar for Online Consultations and Clinic Visits
Provide availability as per your convenience for clinic and online consultations through one calendar
Manage appointments across multiple clinics with a single calendar
View daily schedule across clinics and services
Know when patients enter and leave your clinic
Manage all activities by selecting a time slot – add patient, view patient profile, connect for video calls, edit or cancel appointments and consultations and record visits.
Electronic medical records for enhanced patient care
Store and access your patients data wherever, whenever you want
Maintain patient records for virtual visits across services
Maintain patient records for in person visits across clinics
View and store medical history, lab reports, x-rays, prescriptions before and after visits
Share prescriptions with your patients through our system
Enjoy peace of mind with our robust security and privacy measures
Instant notifications so that you never miss an appointment or consultation
Real time notifications to doctor as well as patients for new consultation requests, reschedules and cancellations through SMS and emails
Reminder emails and SMS before the online consultation to better manage your busy schedule
Track your missed calls for Quick Advise service so that you can return important calls
Intelligent dashboard and message centre to stay on top of your activities
Choice of Doctor, Clinic and Combo subscriptions
Visting multiple clinics: Manage your practice with our Doctor Subscription Plan
Own a clinic and need to management consultants: Take our Clinic Subscription Plan
Own a clinic with multiple consultants and also visit multiple clinics: Take our Combo Subscription Plan
Comprehensive Billing and Payment Management
Accept payment against an invoice or refund against invoice
Collect an advance or settle past advance
Provide a professional looking customisable invoice and receipt to your patient by email
Feedback and recommendation
Obtain valuable feedback from patients for each service
Enhance credibility through recommendations
Service and charges settings
Decide how much you need to charge for each service
Flexibility to set a premium for making yourself available during late nights and weekends
Design your own packages for bunched services
Carry your practice with you
Add, reschedule or cancel appointments on the go
With Online Consultation and Ask a Question, you can cater to your patients, anytime, anywhere
Shoot and upload digital records
Share prescriptions and invoices
We get you started on our Free Plan to enable you to experience our features and decide the best plan suited for you.