Dr. Ratnabali Chakraborty is one of the best Gynecologist in Anandapur, Kolkata with an experience of 25 years in this field. Dr. Ratnabali Chakraborty is currently attached to Fortis Hospital at Anandapur, Kolkata. Dr. Ratnabali Chakraborty is an eminent Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist. She has completed MBBS in the year 1984 from Medical College Kolkata. Thereafter Dr. Ratnabali Chakraborty has completed her DGO from Medical College in the year 1985 and MD (Gynae & Obs) in the year 1988.
Fortis Hospital Anandapur, Kolkata
Her previous experiences are: Medical Officer for Calcutta Port Trust Hospital 9March1984-December 1996), Medical Director-Organon India Ltd (1.1.1997 to 31.03.2003),Professor, Dept. of Obstetrician & Gynecologist, MGM Medical College, Kishnganj,,Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital, Institute of Laparoscopic Surgery.
Dr. Ratnabali Chakraborty has received various awards and accolades: Received National Talent Scholarship in Higher Secondary Examination-1974, College Scholarship during all the years of Study, Green Armytage Prize in Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrical Pathology.
M.D (Gynae & Obs), MBBS, DGO