Through Clinic Appointment, you can book an in clinic visit or even a home visit. Based on the specialty and locality entered by you, our search engine will show providers in your vicinity based on parameters such as experience, qualification, feedback and recommendation. View the provider's calendar to book an instant appointment or call the provider’s number.
In Instant Clinic Appointment, you can view the provider’s calendar and select the time slot available as per your convenience to book the appointment. The appointments are instantly confirmed.
No. There are no charges for booking a clinic appointment.
For those appointments that are booked through the Instant Clinic Appointment route: Go to your Message Centre – Appointments. Here against the appointment, you will see a Cancel button. Click on the same to cancel the appointment.
For those appointments that are booked directly by calling the clinic, please inform the clinic accordingly as a measure of courtesy so that someone else in need of assistance can be accommodated in the slot so released.